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580 cases of wrong enjoyment of victims' regime of Agent Orange

Who posted: QT Hệ thống Date post: 10/05/2019 View: 27792

According to Dong Nai Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, from 2013 up to now, this agency has coordinated with all levels of government to inspect and review those who are subject to the regime of victims of Agent Orange. Thereby detected 580 cases of errors in the records (accounting for 29%), of which the Department decided to suspend the payment of benefits to 386 people.

Mr. Lam Duy Tin, Deputy Director of the Department said: In order to make policies for people with meritorious services to the right people, Dong Nai Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs is still inspecting and verifying cases with signs. doubts to deal with according to law provisions. Dong Nai's viewpoint is to thoroughly handle the deceitful situation to enjoy the policy for people with meritorious services.

Ms. Dao Nguyen, Chairman of Dong Nai Association of Victims of Agent Orange / Dioxin, said: Dong Nai province still has 669 cases participating in the resistance war and civilians are now infected with chemical toxins but because of paper loss. The old sheet, unit was dissolved, so it has not been able to complete the dossier to receive benefits. Compare these people with those who falsify records to benefit policy, we see many people who are disadvantaged.

Author: TTXVN


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